Th Science of Prophetic MedicinE /
Awareness & Prevention Seminars Islamic
Counseling/ Quranic Soul Healing
Founded by Shaykh Othman Nazih, the Institute of Prophetic Medicine offers seminars , courses in the field of The science of Prophetic medicine , Islamic consultations and Quranic Soul healing services
There is, a great need to Revival of Prophetic medicine Sciences and integrate it with the national medical system. The majority of physicians and pharmacists Muslims, trained in Western medicine, lack even rudimentary knowledge of Prophetic medicine and are therefore hostile towards it. This negative attitude will not disappear unless the medical curricula in Islamic countries universities include training in Prophetic medicine. Equally, there is a need to educate herbalists and practitioners of Prophetic medicine to improve their standards of understanding and their techniques in preparing and prescribing Prophetic medicine remedies.
Our Mission is to revive Prophetic medicine, bring it into the present by utilizing modern diagnostic modalities in better understanding and to call for integration of Prophetic medicine with the national medical system.
Our Mission through our Seminars is to empower every Muslim with the tools found in the Quran and Sunnah to protect themselves and their families against physical and Soul illnesses. The ultimate goal is to strengthen the bond of every Muslim with Allah (Swt) and their reliance (tawakul) in Him (swt).
Selected advanced courses for Imams
Based on the acute shortage of Soul Health Professional (RAQI), and there quest of the Assembly of Muslim Jurists in America (AMJA) in the person of its Secretary General Dr. Salah Assawy , of Shِeikh Othman Nazih Al-Magribi to train the Imams in (AMJA) 16th Annual imams Conference, on Diagnosis and Treatments of Diabolical Soul disorders (Demonic Possession, Magic, Evil Eye, Envy ) by A-Ruqyah A-Sharaaiyah, the Prophetic Medicine Institute under the leadership of its president, Sheikh Othman Nazih Soul Physician, offers selected advanced courses for Imams, the acute shortage of Soul health professional (RAQI) and the AMJA's interest in training imams for soul healing , the Prophetic Medicine Institute under the leadership of its president, Sheikh Othman Nazih Soul Physician, offers selected advanced courses for Imams
The Selected advanced courses
* The world of the noble Angels, jinn and devils and their relation to man in the light of the Qur’an and Sunnah
*The study of the symptoms, causes, and treatments of Mental
disorders, Neurological disorder, Parkinson's disease
* Natural Soul disorder (Trauma and Stressor-Related Disorders...)
* Diabolical Soul disorders (Demonic Possession, Magic, Evil Eye, Envy)
* Demonic Influence and Mental, Neurological disorders, Parkinson's disease
* How to differentiate Diabolical Soul disorders from Mental,
Neurological disorders and Parkinson's disease
* The study of the symptoms, causes, and treatments of Diabolical Soul disorders
* Participants have 36 months to work through the soul Healer Training Program curriculum including the Attendees of 36 seminars and the Application of therapeutic skills under Sheikh Othman Nazih Al-Maghribi supervision on 12 volunteer patients
For standard curriculum please visit our Structured Curriculum page
* Diabolical Soul disorders {Demonic Possession, Magic, Evil Eye (Al-‘ayn), Envy( Hasad)}, are the most dangerous forces that can interfere in humans lives; this supernatural harm may come in the form of anything from a minor misfortune to physical illness ( Menstrual disorders the plague..), Mental disorder, Emotional disorder, Behavioral disorder ,Neurological disorder, Parkinson’s disease, and Injury or even Death according to the Quran and Sunnah
Allah, the Exalted, has said: “We revealed in stages of the Qur’an that which is a healing and mercy for believers. But for the unjust it only adds to their loss.” Qur’aan 17:82
The Prophet, (SAWS) said: “Treating an illness with what Allah has made lawful will cure it, and treating it with what Allah has forbidden will not cure it”Abu Huraira reported
The Messenger of Allah (SAWS) stated (Anyone who practices medicine while not being known as a practitioner will be held responsible.) (Related by Abu Dawud, Al-Nasay and Ibn Majah )
A guide for choosing a Professional specialist Raqi
The Path to Becoming a Psychologist you will need
a master's degree (5to 7years) in study of the human mind and behavior based on atheistic theories, which is a false basis for research, Therefore, the success rate of treating patients Not even barely mentioned
The Path to Becoming Raqi Professional specialist in A-Ruqyah A-Sharaaiyah (Islamic Psychologist) you will need to study the human mind and behavior based on the Quran and Sunnah’ and that can never ever reached by watching YouTube or attending a seminar, as you can not be water rescuer by using the same means
How to distinguish between the Raqi Professional specialist(Islamic Psychologist) in A-Ruqyah
A-Sharaaiyah (type of Islamic medicine) and Fake Raaqis (the people who say, we are “Raaqis " without knowledge, without any true guidance, and without any scripture to enlighten them, these have learned deception from the innovator, the charlatans, the fortune-tellers, the priests the unbelievers, and follow every evil one obstinate in rebellion, they deceive the patients they habitually used to lie, hoping to take people's money wrongly).
Do not be fooled by the person(Fake Raaqis) who claims to be a Professional “Raaqis " Just because you saw the reactions of the person who is suffering from Diabolical Soul disorders (Demonic Possession, Magic, Evil Eye, Envy) during his reading on hem: even if the this person “Fake Raaqis " reads the Quran: so how about if he reads other than the Koran or Mumble what the hearer does not understand; In this scenario you will be a victim of the (Fake Raaqis), you will believe in anything that will tell you and do anything that you are asked to do even if it is against Islamic law because you believe that he is a jurisprudent and a Professional “Raaqis "; because the patient can have reactions by listening to the Quran in the mosque during the prayer; this happens frequently during the month of Ramadan in Taraweeh prayers where the reading of the Quran is long ، and the imam may not be even aware of any knowledge of A-Ruqyah A-Sharaaiyah and has never treated a patient with A-Ruqyah A-Sharaaiyah.
As mater of a Fact the patient may have reactions by hearing the Quran through a tape recorder form any reader, especially when hearing Surat al-Baqarah.
The Raqi Professional specialist in A-Ruqyah ASharaaiyah is required to be :
* Knowledgeable in the principles of Islamic jurisprudence,
* The full knowledge of the world of angels and jinn and their relationship with the human Ben In the light of Quran and Sunnah
* The Rules of Islam on health
* The Rules of Islam on quranic healing
* The symptoms, causes, and treatments of Mental disorders, Neurological disorder, Parkinson's disease
* Natural Soul disorder (Trauma and Stressor-Related Disorders... )
* Diabolical Soul disorders (Demonic Possession, Magic, Evil Eye, Envy)
* Demonic Influence and Mental, Neurological disorders, Parkinson's disease
* How to differentiate Diabolical Soul disorders from Mental, Neurological disorders and Parkinson's disease
* The study of the symptoms, causes, and treatments of Diabolical Soul disorders
* The A-Ruqyah A-Sharaaiyah and all its conditions
* Be aware of the deceit of jinns and demons
* To be disciplined by the conditions of A-Ruqyah A-Sharaaiyah, which are supposed to be based on the Qur'aan and Sunnah
* Known to the well known of reliable scholars as well as doctors who attended some of its therapeutic sessions as observers or through successful results in the treatment of patients who have seen or knew about
The Raqi Professional specialist (Islamic Psychologist)
in A-Ruqyah ASharaaiyah he does not do the following
* He does not rush to diagnose the condition of the patient
* He does not tie the fingers of the patient either hands or feet
* He does not read on the patient's clothes to diagnose his condition
* He does not diagnose the condition of the disease through the patient's Photo
* He does not diagnose the patient's condition by measuring some parts of his body with a rope or other
* He does not press the thumb of the hands on the patient's arteries leading to the brain
* He does not use the jinn directly where he speaks to himself or indirectly by bringing a possessed man by the jinn and then talking to the jinn who possessed his body
* He does not speak to the jinn possessing the patient's Body inquiring about the patient's medicine
* He does not claim that he will diagnose the condition of the patient and who did what he suffers from the next day through what he will see in his dreams
* He does not hit the patient severely and the patient In full consciousness claiming to be beating the jinn (a lot of patients claiming to be the jinn possessing there body and say to the fake Raqi that he left the body just to stop this ignorant of beating him)
* He does not come up with an Satanic manuscripts (talassem )
* He does not Mumble what the hearer does not understand
* He does not ask the patient to slaughter the sacrifice of the jinn
* He does not ask the patient Incense or some of his (clothes in general, nails, hair, waste, photo, semen - menstrual blood, anything about his body the general)
* He does not ask the patient about his mother's name
* He does not ask the patient for any Incense or wax or any chemical substances or anything from the bodies of dead animals
* He does not ask the patient to visit the tomb of the dead who are believed to be righteous
* He does not give the patient anything of incense or blocking or amulets to put it on the body or at home, or to burn them
* He does not treat women without the presence of their mahrams
* He does not appeal to anyone other than Allah
* He does not treat patients in a group together at the same time (because it is impossible to diagnose the condition of the patient in this situation and therefore can not be treated, but increases the suffering)
* He does not read on the patients for one hour or less charging them $50 or less and claims that he healed them; the reality is that he enters patients without their knowledge in a long-term or permanent fake treatment program, hoping to take people's money wrongly
So any person who claims to be a Professional specialist (Islamic Psychologist) in A-Ruqyah A-Sharaaiyah and does not have the qualifications, the specifications the references, mentioned above, It is certain that he will use one of the forbidden methods mentioned to deceive patients to take people's money wrongly.
So flee from them (Fake Raaqis) as you flee from the fire, and if you come to them, seek refuge in them and believe them, They will only increase you burden, fatigue and terrible, and you may fall into polytheism and disbelieve.
The Prophe, (SAWS) said: “Treating an illness with what allah has made lawful will cure it, and treating it with what allah has forbidden will not cure it”Abu Huraira reported
The Messenger of Allah (SAWS) stated (Anyone who practices medicine while not being known as a practitioner will be held responsible.) (Related by Abu Dawud, Al-Nasay and Ibn Majah )
Sheik OTHMAN NAZIH Al-MAGHRIBI is well known as SOUL PHYSICIAN (Islamic Psychologist) specialist and well expert in the field of prophetic medicine for over 30 years, His holistic treatment is fully based in accordance with the Noble Quran and the Sunnah. Sheik Othman practices are recommended by prominent scholars Islamic centers, Doctors Diplomat of American Board of (psychiatry and neurology, Pain Medicine, Interventional Pain Physicians, Internal Medicine, Clinical , Neurophysiology, Sleep Medicine), and other institutions, of him healing many patients with resistant illnesses that were not able to be treated with western traditional medicine .
Many of Soul illnesses can be justified with logical medical explanation.
BUT, Some illnesses cannot be explained medically. When doctors cannot help and cannot give a medical cause for an illness, it is most likely Soul illnesses, So we can help healing both the Soul and physical by using Prophetic Medicine .
Please bear in mind that Allah is the only one that can cure you, we are only means to accomplish his will..
For Questions, consultation or healing please Contact:
(Islamic Psychologist)
USA – Tel: 12022411851
SAUDIA - Tel: 966 552 936 117
MOROCCO – Tel : +212623823458
WhatsApp – +212623823458
Email :
www.prophetic-medicine-institute .org or